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The Advantages of Getting Hospice Care for Your Loved One

We all feel the burden of a terminal illness diagnosis, even if we’re not the patient. Hospice care is a health service provided to both the patient and their family to help them through tough times. A responsible hospice care team gives physical, emotional, spiritual, and practical support to make sure that the patient’s goals … Continue reading

Long-Term Diabetes Complications with the Foot

Neuropathy is a prevalent complication of diabetes. It is a dysfunction of one or more nerves that frequently start in the hands and feet, but other parts of your body can be affected too. Common results are: muscle weakness; numbness; tingling feeling; and pain. Peripheral nerve affection together with the peripheral vascular disease commonly leads … Continue reading

Long-Term Diabetes Complications with the Eye

Diabetic retinopathy is one of the leading causes of visual disability. Significant vision loss is rarely evident in the first five years of insulin-dependent diabetes. However, over the following two decades, most of the people with diabetes develop vision changes. Up to 20% of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus patients may be found to have retina impairment … Continue reading

Feeding and Nourishment for the Elderly

Elders, especially those who have specific dietary requirements, need to gain proper nourishment to stay healthy. People who are under home healthcare in Texas can ask their providers to prepare nutritious food based on their diet and health conditions. They can be low-fat, heart-friendly, diabetic meals, and so on. Health service providers can promote the … Continue reading

Posted in Senior Care

Promoting Positivity in Seniors Amidst a Pandemic

Seniors may feel anxious and lonely while staying at home because of the global health crisis. Since they are required to shelter at home and avoid going out to mingle, they may miss the things they use to do outside. For elders under Nursing Service in Roma, Texas, to stay positive despite the crisis, they … Continue reading

Posted in Senior Care

Laboratory Screening Recommendations for Adults Above 50

People may start to feel some illnesses as they age. When they reach 50 years old and above, they have to undergo screening tests. These tests may be beneficial to detect any unknown developing diseases. Laboratory health service and diagnostic care are essential tools for preventive strategies. Below are lists of screening tests that adults … Continue reading