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Managing Complexities of Diabetes in Seniors

Managing Complexities of Diabetes in Seniors

According to experts of healthcare in Roma, Texas, about one in every four seniors has diabetes — while some have complications that can be linked to the disease. If you’re 65 or older and have been diagnosed with diabetes, here are a couple of things you need to know about how to properly manage some common complications of diabetes:

  • High Blood Pressure
    This is a very common side-effect of having diabetes. Older adults with high blood pressure are at risk of stroke and heart attack, which will eventually affect your vision, kidney function, and circulation. What You Need to Do: Have your blood pressure checked regularly. Talk to your health services provider about how to maintain healthy blood pressure levels.
  • Urinary Incontinence
    Seniors with diabetes can lose bladder control because of nerve damages. What You Need to Do: Seniors might feel uncomfortable to admit their incontinence, but high-quality nursing in Texas can help them cope with their condition properly.
  • Memory Problems
    Older adults with diabetes are prone to experiencing cognitive impairments. What You Need to Do: Caridad Healthcare, Inc. advises family caregivers to have their loved ones checked by their physicians, if they notice they’re starting to have faulty memory and/or a hard time making good judgment.


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